


Area of responsibility : The imprint applies only to the Internet presence of the domains: p17914.typo3server.info, eco-jobs.info and eco-jobs.eu

Service provider : Friends of the Youth Environment Network

Responsible contact person : Jörn Hartje

Address : Trenthorst 17a, D-23847 Westerau , Tel .: 0049 4539/181686, Germany

Fast electronic and direct communication: info (at) eco-jobs.info

No liability : The contents of this web project have been carefully checked and created to the best of our knowledge. But for the information presented here, no claim is made to completeness, timeliness, quality and accuracy. No responsibility can be accepted for damages arising from the reliance on the contents of this website or its use.

Infringement of property rights : If you suspect that this website violates one of your protective rights, please notify us immediately by electronic mail so that remedial action can be taken quickly. Please note: The more time-consuming intervention of a lawyer to pay for the service provider fee does not correspond to his real or presumptive will


© oekojobs.de 2006