Customer Manager
About your role
Start: ASAP

Location: European Operations Center (Ríos Rosas 36, Madrid)

Job Summary:

As a Customer Manager at Otovo, you will manage customer relationships and ensure customer satisfaction. You will work closely with clients to understand their needs and provide them with solar energy solutions that meet their requirements. You will also manage customer accounts and maintain regular communication with clients.

Key Responsibilities:

Be the voice of our company and the first point of contact for our customers. Answer their questions and make their day with your positive attitude.

Develop and maintain positive relationships with customers

Understand customer needs and provide them with solar energy solutions

Manage customer accounts and maintain regular communication with clients

Collaborate with operations and sales team to identify new business opportunities

Provide support to customers throughout the PV installation process

Address customer complaints and resolve issues on time

Ensure customer satisfaction and promote customer loyalty

Maintain customer records and update customer information as needed
Organisation Otovo
Location Madrid
Kind of job professional job
subject area Environment, Alternative energies
Actividades Public relations, Selling
Offerings Own computer
Educations none
Certificates none
Spoken Languages English, Dutch
Payment Pocket money
Requirements none
Requirements, other Customer Support experience/customer centricity/inside sales experience
Skills none
Required languages English, Dutch
Start of job 05/01/2023 — 05/15/2023
Job duration up to one year
Gültigkeit der Stelle unlimited
closing date for applications 04/29/2023
please apply at
Contact persons
Giulia Begotti
Ríos Rosas 36
28003 Madrid