big Farmhouse: garden + animals + clay/adobe/bricks work, in the north of Germany, near Usedom/sea
vorm Haus
Our volunteers will help 4 hours a day . Two days in the week are free , not necessarily on the weekend , so as you want.

In the coming months , there are certain areas in which the work can help awayer :

All around and help with chores is welcome . The ( warm ) meals are usually of the helpers for all prepared .

We take great care to ensure that the accessaries always get tasks to which they are motivated. So have all the more pleasure in joint actions.

Our volunteers will help 4 hours a day . Two days in the week are free , not necessarily on the weekend , so as you want.

In the coming months , there are certain areas in which the work can help awayer :

All around and help with chores is welcome . The ( warm ) meals are usually of the helpers for all prepared .

We take great care to ensure that the accessaries always get tasks to which they are motivated. So have all the more pleasure in joint actions.

The helpers are a number of simple designed rooms , a fully equipped kitchen and a private bathroom are available on the second floor. You can use our sheets and towels . It is also the tents on the grounds .

The manor house is located in an agricultural , scenic landscape with lakes and near the Szczecin Lagoon . Many tourist highlights are in day tours (some with bikes ) reachable (Usedom , Peenetalmündung ) . This includes trips to neighboring Stettin / Szczecin . Especially popular are canoeing at the Peene , Cycling in unlimited flat landscape and a visit to the small Lilienthal Museum in Anklam is very stimulating.

Beete umgraben, Unkraut jäten, Bäume beschneiden, aus- und anpflanzen, Kräuter ernten.
Ställe säubern, mähen und Heu wenden, Futter geben.
Außerdem könnt ihr uns helfen, die Ställe und Scheunen weiter auszubauen, das Haus sauber halten, evtl. umräumen, wie euch die Zimmer gefallen und kochen - darin bin ich nicht so gut.
Im Sommer mache ich einmal im Jahr Seife und Creme, im Herbst Marmelade, im Frühling Holunderblütensirup, ab und zu Körbe. Bei allem kannst Du mir helfen. Die Vorbereitung und Nachbereitung ist leider oft sehr viel zeitaufwendig.
Außerdem pflanzen wir hier viel an, sammeln Kräuter für´n Salat und Tee, machen Seife selber, Kerzen sowieso, Cremes mit dem Bienenwachs+Honig+Propolis+Öl, und der Brutapparat spuckt immer mal kleine, süße Kücken aus.
Organisation big Farmhouse: garden + animals + clay/adobe/bricks work, in the north of Germany, near Usedom/sea
area Forest, Sea, Swamp, Ocean, Open landscape, Agricultural area, Rural environment,
Protection status (IUCN): Species management area, Protected landscape
Address big Farmhouse: garden + animals + clay/adobe/bricks work, in the north of Germany, near Usedom/sea
Kastanienhof, Kagendorf 15
17398 Neu Kosenow
Phone 039726258254
Mobile 01781987624 nur SMS
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